
Extramural Funding- Overarching Framework Summary by Grant Stage

Extramural Funding- Overarching Framework Summary by Grant Stage

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Pre-Award Cycle

  • 1. Funding Opportunity
    • Search for funding opportunities
    • Clarify fund source and type
    • Review solicitation requirements
  • 2. Proposal Preparation
    • Review, itemize, and interpret sponsor requirements
    • Verify or set-up PI eligibility (as needed)
    • Identify key roles to complete tasks
    • Prepare budget and justification
    • Review, itemize, and interpret sub-award/sub-contract requirements
    • Prepare body of grant
  • 3. Proposal Submission
    • Execute eCAF
    • Prepare sponsor application
    • Obtain COEUS confirmation

Post-Award Cycle

  • 4. Post-Proposal Submission
    • Identification of Supporting Material and Requirements
    • Submission of supporting material after NOA
    • Review for pre-award or other requirements
    • Follow-up as needed regarding notification from sponsor and/or RED
    • Review for completeness and signatures for acceptance
  • 5. Set Up Award (Fund)
    • Review PAMIS Award for accuracy
    • Verify and implement residual account
    • Set-up and implement overall budget and expense catgories.
  • 6. Implement Grant


    • Personal updates (New hires, FAU, Updates, etc.)
    • Residual review and quarterly allocations
    • Acquisition of non-salary budgeted expenses (equipment, supplies, etc.)
    • Monthly ledger reconciliation (FAU corrections, encumbrance review, etc.). Analytic review and reporting.
    • PC certification

    As Needed

    • Rebudgeting
    • Award continuation/renewal
    • Proper verification of cost-sharing / matching as reported on award.
  • 7. Close Out

    90 days (prior to expiration)

    • Final report to PI an sponsor (Federal Financial Report [FFR])
    • Final clearance of all encumbrances
    • Final deficit clearing, fund close out
    • Final cost share report

Key Terms and Roles

Term / Role Description Description
Budget Period

The intervals of time into which a multi-year period of assistance (project period) is divided for budgetary and funding purposes.

Budget periods are usually 12 months long but may be shorter or longer, if appropriate.

Principal Investigator (PI) The eligible (as determined by UCR policy) and qualified person designated by UCR to direct a research project or program. The PI is responsible for overseeing the scientific and technical aspects of a project. Principal Investigators are required to be significantly involved in the project. “Fronting” as a Principal Investigator is contrary to UC/UCR policy.
Procurement Analyst The Procurement Analyst is a Business Operations analyst who helps lead the procurement effort (prepare PO, issue PO, seek SRP approval for each grant, etc.) for everything that is procured for SOM. S/he works closely with SRP analyst to review approvals on each grant.
Research and Economic Development
RED is the UCR unit with delegated authority to submit all final proposals to the sponsor, on behalf of SOM.
Solicitation A document that elicits proposals
SOM Approving Unit SOM approving unit may consist of the Dean's Office, Finance and Administration (F&A), or the Chair in the respective unit who has the approving authority for C&G-specific matters.
SOM -Non-Approving Unit  
SRP Analyst SRP analyst is the analyst assigned to lead the administration and management of the award. They can be assigned to manage the pre-award, post-award or both in some cases, and have the responsibility to help create and/or review budgets and who is granted authority to submit an eCAF to the PI for final review and certification.

Please refer to the UCR RED eCAF page for a comprehensive glossary of C&G related terms: