Emergency Action Plans & Information
The SOM buildings are Education Building I, Education Building II, Center for Simulated Patient Care in the Orbach Library, SOM Research Building, and Webber Hall.
About the Building Supervisor for Emergency Coordinators
The building supervisor for emergency coordinators (BSEC) are volunteers who assist in building emergencies. Responsibilities include:
- Coordinate and manage their building’s emergency preparedness activities.
- Participate in training and meetings.
- Initiate verification of building evacuation.
- Assist in clearing people from inside and away from the building.
- Ensure occupants are in the emergency assembly area (EAA).
- Provide information to the emergency operations center (EOC) and first responders in an emergency.
- Support first responders as needed.
Building Emergency Staff
The building emergency staff (BES) assist in clearing people from inside and away from the building. Observing things emergency responders may need to know, using your basic senses and as safety permits.
- Evacuate others.
- Assist or guide people to the exits or safe refuge areas.
- Conduct situation assessment.
- Communicate with their BSEC.